Term 3, Week 2 2024

The Torch

The Torch

Term 3, Week 2 2024

  • Whole School Notices
  • Junior School Notices
  • Senior School Notices
  • Sports & Co-Curricular
  • Upcoming Events
  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Whole School Notices


    Principal’s Message

    It has been wonderful to connect with parents at this week’s information sessions on the timetable reforms to be introduced at Scotch from next year. Thank you to all who attended for your support and thoughtful questions.

    We are pleased to be receiving such positive feedback on the reforms. As explained in the sessions, they have been developed via a thorough and comprehensive process, following consultation with staff, students and parents at appropriate intervals along the way. This process and timing remain in accordance with that outlined in my first message on the reforms early last term.

    I encourage all families to read The Torch each week and not rely on other sources when it comes to information about our school. It is clear from the information sessions that misinformation, being shared in WhatsApp groups and through the tabloid media, is creating confusion about the timetable reforms within the community and negatively impacting our boys. We will continue to communicate and engage with our community around these important reforms, which ultimately aim to improve educational outcomes for the boys.

    Our teachers, parents and indeed all Scotch staff share the same goal; to give each boy the very best start in life and to develop him into a good man who achieves, lives purposefully, and contributes to a better world.

    I wish our Year 11 and 12s, together with their peers from Lauriston, the very best of luck as the curtains raise on their production of Urinetown tonight. This is a fabulous and very entertaining musical and I urge anyone in need of a good night out to come along. Tickets are free for Scotch students and can be booked here.

    Good luck to all boys participating in the last weekends of winter sport, particularly those Year 12 boys and parents involved in some special final footy and rugby matches this weekend. Cherish these moments, you’ll carry them with you for many years to come.

    Dr Scott Marsh


    Whole School Announcements

    Timetable Reforms Presentation

    A copy of the presentation shared at the parent information evenings will be available in the coming days here. An additional session for current Year 10 and Year 11 students and parents (ie. Year 11 and Year 12 in 2025) will be held on Tuesday 13 August at 6.30pm. Further information will be emailed directly to parents.


    OSCA Business Networking Breakfast

    All members of the Scotch Family are invited to the 2024 Business Networking Breakfast hosted by the Old Scotch Collegian’s Association, to be held on Wednesday 14 August at 7.00am, at Zinc at Federation Square.

    Panelists Nick Griffin (’91), Founding Partner & Chief Investment Officer at Munro Partners and Clark Kirby (’96), Chief Executive Officer at Village Roadshow Group, will provide insights into the world of investing and entertainment/media by sharing their experiences and views on current trends in their field.

    More Information | Book Now

    Enquiries to Caroline Taylor at oscanet@scotch.vic.edu.au or 98104359

    Literature Festival 2024

    In Week 6 the school will be celebrating all things books during the Literature Festival. Exciting speakers include Jessica Watson, the youngest person to sail around the world solo, and David Knoff, a station leader on a research expedition in Antarctica whose team was stranded when all travel ground to a halt during the pandemic.

    Mark Smith, author of the popular Road to Winter series, will also be visiting. For the Manga and graphic novel fans there will be a Manga drawing workshop.

    Further details are available here

    Family Day Volunteers

    The Scotch Parents Association, Junior School Parents Association and Auxiliaries are seeking volunteers to support their activities on Family Day, which will be held on Saturday 14 September. Please contact your auxiliary directly or look out for sign up links coming soon in The Torch.

    Please note, all volunteers are required to have a Working With Children Check (WWCC). These can take up to 4 weeks, so if you do not have yours yet, please apply now: https://www.vic.gov.au/working-with-children-check

    If you have any queries, please reach out to Michelle Dierkx and Teresa Everett at events@scotch.vic.edu.au

    Non-Government Schools Census Collection Notice 2024

    Click here for a notice from the Australian Government Department of Education regarding census collection at Scotch.


    Key Dates

    Please note the following important dates:

    • Parent Teacher Interviews: Thursday 8 August and Wednesday 14 August
    • Science Oration: Thursday 15 August
    • No Junior or Senior Classes: Monday 19 August
    • Foundation Day: Tuesday 10 September
    • Family Day: Saturday 14 September
    • Last day Term 3: Friday 20 September
  • Junior School Notices


    Head of Junior School Message

    As we eagerly await the Olympics, we are actively seeking ways to connect with this global event and learn from its associated values and history.

    On Monday, we had a unique opportunity to link to the Olympic opening and closing ceremonies through a special focus on dance, a powerful medium that unites global audiences.

    The Senior School Indigenous boys took centre stage, presenting three dances – The Creation Dance, The Protection Dance, and The War Cry they used at last term’s Cordner-Eggleston Cup match.  Their passion for each dance and the connection to culture and story that each brought was inspiring.


    We extend our sincere thanks to A.J. Williams-Tchen and the Senior School Indigenous students for their generous time and support. This event highlighted two Olympic values – respect and friendship. It also deepened our commitment to Reconciliation by fostering respectful relationships with our Indigenous community and enhancing cultural understanding within our community.

    Aside from the dance opportunity, the boys in Years 3 to 6 have been enjoying the chance to post their best times in some of the events for the forthcoming Family Day.  It has been great to hear the energy and excitement of the boys as they try to set personal bests.

    Finally, I share my gratitude with the following boys who have been selected by their peers and teachers as Student Representative Council Reps and Class Captains. We look forward to their contributions as leaders in their roles.

    Tom Savill
    Head of Junior School


    Junior School Notices

    Term 3 SOS

    This term, the Junior School will fundraise for the Running Water Project, raising money to put urinals into Balang High School in Cambodia.

    In discussion with you as parents/caregivers, your son will be engaging in a variety of different actions to earn money. An example of this could be to simply empty the dishwasher for a fortnight for an agreed amount. Jobs such as gardening, pet care, mowing lawns, bake sales, housework, window cleaning and car washing are some suggestions your son may have.

    As your son completes a task, he will fill in a Scotch Service Log with details of the job undertaken and the time it took. There is a House competition with a prize for the House which completes the most hours of service.

    Boys can bring the money at any time. We have sourced a toilet which we aim to fill with money as a fun way to showcase our hard work.

    This initiative is running from Thursday 1 August until Thursday 29 August. Service logs and all money must be in by Thursday 29 August. Thank you in advance for supporting this important charity work by giving the boys an opportunity to earn money through acts of service.

    JSPA Father’s Day Breakfast: Save the Date

    The JSPA Father’s Day Breakfast will be held on Wednesday 28 August. Further information to follow.

    Library Information

    Click here for Term 3 Library Information and Events

    Junior School Dates

    View the key Junior School dates


    Junior School Music News

    Music Making in Term 3

    Year 4 Brass Ensemble

    Last week saw the commencement of two new Year 4 Ensembles: the Year 4 Woodwind Ensemble and the Year 4 Brass Ensemble.

    The Brass Ensemble was particularly large with 14 boys!

    We look forward to hearing these ensembles perform in the Years 3 & 4 Concert in Term 4. These boys will feed into our JS Concert Band next year.

    Glen House Choir

    Our Glen House Choir will be making a trip to the Salvation Army Performing Arts Centre in Box Hill on Monday 5 August to take part in the Victorian Schools Music Festival (VSMF). This excursion will be a fantastic opportunity for the boys to gain more performance experience, listen to other choirs and participate in a workshop. Parents are welcome to watch the performance and no tickets are required. We will be on stage at approximately 11.20am. The performance will also be live-streamed. More details regarding the excursion will be shared with parents shortly.

    Music Resources

    There are many wonderful performance opportunities throughout the year for all boys in the Junior School with concerts, instrumental recitals and performances coming up. View 2024 Music Dates here

    It is not too late to submit tuition forms for your son to begin learning an instrument at Scotch. Please complete the Music Tuition Form here.

    Please note, if your son is in Lower Primary and you wish to accompany him to his Suzuki lessons, you must submit a current Working with Children Card to your son’s music teacher or Emma Macrae, Head of Junior School Music. A green lanyard must also be collected from the Junior School Office on arrival and worn while on campus.


    Junior School Sport

    House Athletics

    This term we are preparing for House Athletics on Family Day, an annual whole school event to be held on Saturday 14 September. The Junior School program for Years 3 to 6 is held in the morning, beginning at 8.00am. The Junior Primary program begins later in the morning. It is a mandatory day for staff and students and one of the highlights of the year on the school calendar. Further details to come.

    The Year 3 to 6 boys began field event preparation in PE classes this week for the House competition being held on Thursday 8 and Friday 9 August. Long jump, shot put, triple jump and javelin are the four events that the boys will compete in for their House. High jump has been replaced with triple jump for this year’s program. All boys who compete in the field events score points for their House which go towards the overall Family Day scores. Boys in Prep to Year 2 have a modified program for Family Day, and they began preparation for their running, jumping and team events this week.

    This week’s Family Day sprint trials and the winners of the field events help us select the APS Athletics team that competes on Wednesday 28 August. The winners of the field events in the U10, U11 and U12/13 age groups will progress to APS. The fastest boy from the 100m and 200m trials will also compete at the APS Championships. The top four 100m runners in each age group will comprise the 4x100m relay team. 800m and 1500m trials in Years 3 to 6 will be held in PE classes in the weeks to come.

    Please ensure your son is dressed in layers this term as most PE classes are held outdoors. Please communicate with Paul McMahon or Dean Gregory if your son is unable to participate in class for any reason, especially injury.

    Term 3 Sport

    Training for Year 5 and 6 boys has begun for the term. In sports like soccer and basketball, graded teams need to be entered in the APS competition. Please encourage your son to have a conversation with his coach if he is wondering why he has been selected for a certain team. Please try to allow the boys to advocate for themselves where possible. We remind the boys that it’s not where you start that matters, but where you finish.

    Soccer and basketball both have 7.00am training times and Gate 5 at the Junior School open at 6.50am for the basketball boys to enter. Soccer boys should be dropped off at Monash gates on Glenferrie Road before 7.00am, so they can walk down Monash Drive to McKendrick Oval for training.

    Click here for Year 5 and 6 Interschool Sport information relating to:

    • Weekly Sports Fixture and Results
    • Term 3 Training Schedule
    • Term 3 Important Sports Information


    Year 5 & 6 APS Sport: Term 4

    In the next week, boys in Year 5 and 6 will need to choose their Term 4 sport. Choices are athletics, touch rugby, water polo, golf and sailing.

    Golf and sailing do not have weekly training and boys participate on Wednesdays only. They do attract an extra cost for lessons and equipment hire. There are also limits on the number of boys who can participate in golf and sailing. A separate email to Year 5 and 6 parents has been sent with more details about these two sport choices.

    Training information:

    • Touch rugby has training after school on Tuesdays for Year 6 and Thursdays for Year 5
    • Athletics is a mixed Year 5/6 team that trains after school on Tuesdays
    • Water polo has training at 7.00am on Tuesdays for Year 6 and Thursdays for Year 5


    Please discuss with your son before he chooses. The boys will fill out a google document on the PE Canvas page for their APS choice.

    State Cross Country

    On Thursday 18 July, the State Cross Country meet was held at the Yarra Glen Racecourse. In muddy and cold conditions, Scotch had three boys qualify for the highest standard of competition possible.

    Alex Rajan in Year 6 was unable to participate due to illness. We wish Alex well in the upcoming track season where he also excels.

    Mark Ballantine in Year 6 ran valiantly on the day in the U12 race after straining a calf early in the run. Mark pushed through the pain barrier to finish in the middle of the field of the approximately 100 runners in each age group. Mark showed the values of a true “Scotchie” and should be immensely proud of his achievements.

    James Hall in Year 5 competed in the U11 age division and was out to defend his state gold medal from 2023. From the beginning of the race James took control of the tempo and was never really challenged. James won back to back gold medals comfortably by more than 20 seconds. He has qualified for the Victorian team that competes at Nationals in August at Yarra Glen. This  should give James a nice home course advantage! We wish James all the best as he wears the blue and white colours of his State.


    Run Club

    Run Club continues this term for Year 6 boys who want to improve their fitness. Senior School coaches take the boys on Monday and Wednesday mornings from 7.00am. Boys meet in the green grandstand on Main Oval dressed to run. They should be dropped off on Morrison Street before 7.00am and conclude at 8.00am in time to walk back to Junior School for the 8.15am start.

    Sports Queries

    Sporting queries should be directed to our Junior School Sport email juniorschoolsport@scotch.vic.edu.au These will be responded to by Lucia Thompson, our Junior School Sports Administration Assistant.

    Junior School Parents Association

    A Message from the JSPA Committee

    The Auxiliary groups and JSPA Committee are looking forward to hosting the Father’s Day Stall and Father’s Day Breakfast, and taking part in Family Day on Saturday 14 September.

    No event is ever possible without the help of JS families who are always so generous with their time and efforts.  We are very grateful for every parent’s participation. Please feel free to contact us at dryogita.gupta@gmail.com if you would like to volunteer to be part of any of these Auxiliary groups. It is a great way of meeting new parents and catching up with old friends. We also welcome all feedback and suggestions.

    The JSPA and the Community Connection Auxiliary is pleased to re-introduce our Community Help program, which enables us to help any Scotch family who might need assistance in times of adversity. Please reach out if we can be of help to you or someone you know. This could be in the form of meals, groceries, cleaning, gardening, etc.

    For further information, please click here.

    More details will be shared by your class reps through your WhatsApp groups.

    Some key dates for your diaries:

    • Wednesday 28 August, 8.00am: Father’s Day Breakfast
    • Thursday 29 August, 7.00am: Father’s Day Stall
    • Saturday 14 September: Family Day


    Your friendly JSPA Committee 2024

    Yogita Gupta
    Eliza Ashton
    Erica Gill
    Sharon Zheng
    Rebecca Kudelka

  • Senior School Notices


    Head of Senior School Message

    As the term progresses, I have enjoyed watching boys being involved in many activities and returning to their studies with great determination. Whilst the firsts football did not defeat Xavier at home on Saturday, it was an exciting game, and they are to be congratulated for their valiant effort in such cold and wet conditions – as are their parents who attended in support!


    Concussion Protocol

    Scotch has formulated a protocol which outlines clearly for staff, parents and students how we deal with student concussion cases.

    View protocol

    The process requires parents to notify the school at concussion@scotch.vic.edu.au of any incident. This automatically alerts our nursing and pastoral staff.  The case manager is the Year 7 and 8 Form teacher and 9-12 Head of House, who work closely with our nursing staff to manage a successful return to school and sport/activities following a concussion diagnosis, relying on appropriate medical clearances, linked to the protocol document.

    We are currently finalising our policy in this area, taking in to account a range of other policies that exist in this space and will share this with families shortly.

    Parent Forums

    This week we have been sharing the 2025 and 2026 timetable reforms with parents. It is wonderful to see so many families interested and coming along to gain more information and to have their questions answered. For those who were unable to attend, a copy of the presentation and a link to submit further questions is available here.

    Additional information sessions for current Year 10 and Year 11 parents and boys (ie. Years 11 and 12 in 2025) will be held on Tuesday 13 August from 6.30pm. Further details will be emailed directly to parents.

    I am always open to meeting with parents seeking more information about any aspect of the Senior School, and strongly encourage parents to engage directly with the school to ensure we work together to best support the boys.

    Katrina Brennan
    Head of Senior School


    Senior School General Announcements

    APS Foodbank Drive: Message from the School Captain

    Together with other APS School Captains, Matthew Callaghan is running an APS Foodbank Drive at Scotch to support those in need in our local community. All members of the Scotch community are asked to donate non-perishable foods, such as:

    • Canned fruit, vegetables, seafood, soups and meals
    • Breakfast cereal
    • Pasta, noodles and rice
    • Long life milk and juice
    • Coffee, tea and spreads
    • Muesli bars, dried fruit and nuts
    • Sauces, seasoning, cooking supplies like flour, oil and sugar


    Items may be dropped at Room 15. In the spirit of friendly competition, each of the APS schools involved in the drive will create a structure of the food their school has donated, based on an Olympics theme. These structures will be photographed and shared within the APS community, encouraging all members to vote for which school created the best structure.

    Extension Studies Opportunities

    More opportunities are now available for boys participating in the Extension Studies program. Read more

    Senior School Musical

    This year, students from Scotch and Lauriston will stage the Senior School Musical in the Geoffrey McComas Theatre, ‘UrinetownWinner of three Tony Awards, three Outer Critics Circle Awards, two Lucille Lortel Awards and two Obie Awards, Urinetown is a hilarious musical satire of the legal system, capitalism, social irresponsibility, populism, environmental collapse, privatization of natural resources, bureaucracy, municipal politics, and musical theatre itself!

    Urinetown opens tonight at 7.00pm in the GMT with limited tickets still available for tonight, Friday and Saturday night.

    Tickets for students are free but must be booked.

    Book Tickets Here


    Principal’s Art Prize Presentation

    All members of the Scotch community are invited to view the finalists in the Scotch College Senior School Principal’s Art Prize for 2024.

    The exhibition of student artworks is currently on display in the atrium of the Lithgow Centre for the next couple of weeks.

    You can also view the exhibition in our Ken Field Virtual Gallery of Art.

    The theme of this year, Beauty in Life has illicited some delightful and uplifting artworks. Some of the artist statements are similarly poignant and worth a read.

    The winners of the awards will be announced tonight at around 6.00pm in the Lithgow Centre, prior to the opening night of Urinetown, the senior school musical production.


    Year 9 & 10 Notices

    Year 9 and 10 Drug Awareness Program

    Year 9 and 10 students are invited to participate in a research project on Mental Health and Substance Use run by the University of Sydney. Please click here for an overview of the project from David Brown, Dean of Students at Scotch.

    Further information and consent form


    Year 11 & 12 Notices

    Year 12 VTAC and SEAS Applications

    A gentle reminder Scotch College will be hosting a presentation for Year 12 parents and boys on the VTAC and SEAS application process. The session will be held on Zoom on Monday 29 July at 7.00pm.

    Click here to save the Zoom link

    Year 12 Fathers’ Day Breakfast

    The Old Scotch Collegians’ Association warmly welcomes all Year 12 students, their fathers, grandfathers and guardians to the Class of 2024 Fathers’ Day Breakfast on Thursday 29 August at Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club.

    Book Tickets Here

    RSVP: Thursday 22 August

    Tables seat 10 people. You are invited to enter your seating preference in the provided field when booking your ticket. Boarders will be seated with their family (if attending) or friends. Please note, formalities will conclude by 8.00am allowing time for students to arrive at school in time for period 1.

    Please contact Caroline Taylor with any queries about this event: 9810 4359 oscanet@scotch.vic.edu.au


    Boarding Notices

    Scotch is Visiting Hamilton

    Director of Boarding, Tim Byrnes, and Director of Admissions, Gary Peckham, will be attending Sheepvention in Hamilton, Victoria on Sunday 4 August and Monday 5 August.

    We would be delighted to meet Old Boys, current, future and prospective families in the area during this time, please come along and say hello if you are attending. Our stand is in the Innovations Hub at the Hamilton Showgrounds site.

    Upcoming Closed and Exeat Weekends

    The Closed Weekend for all boarders is Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 August. This is followed by the Exeat weekend, beginning Friday 16 August after classes conclude. Boarders return on Monday 19 August, after 4.00pm.

    Important Dates

    Year 12 boarding parents and guardians may wish to take note of the following events to be held at the end of the year:

    • Tuesday 15 October – Boarding House Valedictory Dinner (students only)
    • Thursday 17 October – Year 12 Boarders’ Parents Function, commencing at 5.00pm. Please note this is prior to the Year 12 Presentation Night.
    • Friday 18 October – Torch Ceremony (students only)
    • Tuesday 22 October – Year 12 Valedictory Dinner (students and parents)


    Further details and invitations will be sent closer to the respective events.


    Future Pathways Careers News

    Future Pathways Newsletter

    Read the latest issue of the Future Pathways Newsletter

    This edition features:

    • Monash University information
    • News from the University of Queensland
    • Psychology degrees in Victoria
    • Letters of recommendation
    • Scholarships
    • Overcoming procrastination


    Careers Convention Wrap-Up

    The Future Pathways Team have been busy running this year’s Careers Convention this week.

    The Convention was kicked off on Friday with the annual Course & Careers Expo, where Year 10 to 12 boys were able to visit the stalls of 29 institutions from Victoria and interstate. It was a very successful morning with the boys asking many questions, helping them with their important tertiary decisions.

    Monday’s sessions involved six panels of expert speakers from various fields of work such as Law, Engineering and Health Science, who spoke to students in Years 9 to 12. The panel experts, some of them Old Boys, were very informative in explaining what they do, how they got there, and what they would like to do in the future. Many seeds of innovation and entrepreneurship were sown on this day.

    Tuesday’s sessions wrapped up the Course & Careers/Future Pathways extravaganza. Representatives from LINFOX and The Peter MacCallum Institute spoke to boys interested in business and the health sciences in a voluntary session held during tutor group time. Both sessions were extremely well attended. Our speakers shared valuable insights with the boys on their industries and the pathways exist within each.

    This was followed by an OSCA ‘Beyond the Gates’ information session directed specifically to Year 11 and 12 boys. Old Boys who have recently commenced a degree or just started work in their profession spoke about what the boys can expect at university and beyond.

    In all sessions over the three days, the boys have been very lucky to have heard from some wonderfully successful individuals about what it takes to get ahead at university and in the world of work. It is hoped that the lessons learnt over these three days will benefit students in a multitude of ways.



    Education USA

    Boys interested in studying in the USA can find a myriad of information and sessions through Education USA. Programming for July and August is out now and can be found here.

  • Sports & Co-Curricular


    Weekend’s Sports Fixture

    View this weekend’s APS Sports fixture


    Sports Notices

    Swimming Squad Training: Monday and Friday Mornings

    Training will take place for Year 7-12 boys on Monday and Friday at 6.30-8.00am in the Glenn Centre pool. We encourage boys in the Water Polo programmes to participate in these sessions also. Sessions are not compulsory but provide a great opportunity for boys to build swimming fitness.

    This Weekend: Scotch V Melbourne Grammar Rugby Match

    This Saturday 27 July is the annual Scotch v Melbourne Grammar School (MGS) rugby match.

    Scotch and MGS were the first Victorian schools to play rugby, although they had played games against visiting Navy and Army teams stationed in Melbourne before this. The first official recorded game between the two schools was in 1932.

    MGS will be hosting Scotch at their Main Oval on Domain Rd, and each team’s result counts toward the McKenzie Shield, which is awarded to the school with the most wins across the day.

    The 1XV will complete the day with their match for the Colin Bell Trophy.

    Details of the matches are below – please come down and support the boys!

      • U14 SC v MGS: 8.00am
      • U15 SC v MGS: 9.00am
      • U16 SC v MGS: 10.00am
      • 2xv SC v MGS: 11.00am
      • 1xv SC v MGS: 12.00pm


    This Weekend: Final Home Football Game for Year 12 

    The 1st XVIII are playing Geelong College this Saturday afternoon at 2.00pm on the Scotch Main Oval. This will be the last home game for Year 12 footballers and the 1858 Club encourages the community to come down to support the team and farewell the Year 12s. Year 7 and 8 footballers will provide a guard of honour as the boys run out and there will be a BBQ for all supporters.

    Term 4 Summer Sport Changes

    Any boy wanting to change his Term 4 summer sport must submit his request via email to Michael.Kelly@scotch.vic.edu.au by Friday 2 August. All boys’ sports selections will otherwise remain the same as the sport they participated in Term 1.

    Glenn Centre High Performance Gym Timetable

    The new high performance gym is now open, with over 250 boys accessing the new facility in either PE classes, specific team training or general conditioning sessions.

    General conditioning sessions are available for boys in Year 10-12 only. Timings are:

    • Monday: 12.45pm – 1.25pm
    • Wednesday: 7.00 – 8.00am
    • Wednesday: 12.45 – 1.25pm
    • Wednesday: 3.30 – 5.00pm
    • Thursday: 7.00 – 8.00am
    • Thursday: 3.30 – 5.00pm
    • Friday: 7.00 – 8.00am


    All other sessions provided will be structured sessions for specific sports and will be communicated directly through the sports office. We are hopeful further timings may be made available for general use as we track numbers involved in specific sports training.

    A reminder current sports season training and music, drama and services commitments take priority over weight room usage and rowers are expected to be involved in the conditioning provided by the Boat Club if available.

    Run Club

    A reminder that Run Club takes place at 7.00am every Monday and Wednesday. Please meet at the Green Grandstand. All Year 6-12 students and all ability levels are catered for.

    Athletics Preparation Training – Monday and Wednesday Lunchtime

    There will be some additional athletics sessions in the lead up to the APS season next month. Please meet in the weights room on Monday and Wednesday lunchtime if interested. All boys in Year 7-12 are welcome.

    2025 Sports Selections

    View the sport selections for 2025

    Interested in joining the Snowsports Programme?

    Please see links below to read all information regarding Scotch Snowsports and registrations for trials and interschools.

    Read more information

    Enrol in Scotch College Snowsports

    Scotch Basketball Presentation Night 2024

    The 2024 Scotch Basketball Presentation Night will be held for students on Monday 5 August in the Boykett Room, Cardinal Pavilion at 6.00pm.

    Please note this is a student only event.

    Book Tickets

    RSVP: Friday 26 July

    Scotch Rugby Presentation Night 2024

    The 2024 Scotch Rugby Presentation Night will be held on Monday 2 September at the Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club.

    Pricing per adult ticket is $100. Tickets for players and siblings are $65 (dinner and drinks). The event will run from 6.00pm – 9.00pm.

    The dress code for adults is smart casual. Boys should wear their school uniform, this includes candy coats for senior students.

    RSVP: Monday 26 August 2024

    Book Tickets Here

    Please direct enquiries to Charlie Heerey on 0417 368 665 or via email charlie@heerey.com.au.

    Winter Sport Captains

    View a list of the Winter Sports Captains and Vice-Captains


    Sports Newsletters

    SCRUM Club

    Read this week’s SCRUM Club newsletter

    Slam Dunk Club

    Read this week’s Slam Dunk Club newsletter

    Submit Your Sports Newsletter!

    We welcome all Scotch sports to share their newsletters via The Torch. Submit your newsletter by emailing a copy to communications@scotch.vic.edu.au by 10am each Wednesday.

  • Upcoming Events


    Music and Drama Events

    Urinetown: The Musical

    Thursday 25,  Friday 26 and Saturday 27 July

    Tickets for the senior musical Urinetown: The Musical are now on sale. Each performance will be held at 7.00pm in the in the Geoffrey McComas Theatre, James Forbes Academy.

    Book Tickets Here



    Chamber Music Dinner

    Saturday 3 August 7:30pm

    The 2024 George Logie-Smith Chamber Music Dinner and concert will feature a programme of chamber works performed by Scotch College Music Students. Come and enjoy this magnificent evening of gifted performances with friends, family and other music lovers.

    Book Tickets Here | View Flyer

    Old Scotch Symphony Orchestra: Love and other Delirium

    Saturday 17 August

    Join the Old Scotch Symphony Orchestra for an evening of “Love and Other Delirium.” Following a successful March concert, you are invited to enjoy a captivating musical journey exploring the themes of love. Highlights include Tchaikovsky’s Romeo and Juliet Overture, Elgar’s Cello Concerto featuring soloist Lincoln Poon (’17), and Dvorak’s 5th Symphony. This concert promises to be an unforgettable night of beautiful music and heartfelt emotion.

    Book Tickets

    Scotch Arts – Wilma and Friends

    Tuesday 17 September

    Wilma Smith (Concertmaster MSO 2003 – 2014) brings a delicious, predominantly French piano trio program, followed by groups featuring wind instruments, including a Wilma & Friends first, the bassoon!

    Book Wilma and Friends Tickets Here


    Scotch College Events

    Year 12 Fathers’ Day Breakfast

    The Old Scotch Collegians’ Association warmly welcomes all Year 12 students, their fathers, grandfathers and guardians to the Class of 2024 Fathers’ Day Breakfast on Thursday 29 August at Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club. We are delighted to extend the invitation to grandfathers of year 12 students.

    Book Tickets Here

    RSVP: Thursday 22 August

    All Year 12 students are welcome and encouraged to attend this popular event with friends or family. Boarders will be seated with their family (if attending) or friends.

    Tables seat 10 people. You are invited to enter your seating preference in the provided field when booking your ticket.  Please note, formalities will conclude by 8.00am allowing time for students to arrive at school in time for period 1.

    Please contact Caroline Taylor with any queries about this event: 9810 4359 oscanet@scotch.vic.edu.au

    OSCA Business Networking Breakfast

    Members of the Scotch Family are invited to the 2024 Business Networking Breakfast hosted by the Old Scotch Collegian’s Association. The event will take place on Wednesday 14 August, 7.00am at Zinc at Federation Square. Panelists Nick Griffin (’91), Founding Partner & Chief Investment Officer at Munro Partners and Clark Kirby (’96) Chief Executive Officer at Village Roadshow Group will provide insights into the world of investing and entertainment/media by sharing their experiences and views on current trends in their field.

    More Information | Book Now

    Please direct any enquiries to Caroline Taylor at oscanet@scotch.vic.edu.au or 98104359

    2024 Science Oration: Looking After Life on Earth – A Polar Perspective

    We are delighted to announce the 2024 Science Oration will be held on Thursday 15 August, and is looking to be an exciting and thought-provoking evening.

    Held annually during Science week, the 12th Annual Science Oration will be delivered by Professor Steven Chown, FAA. Professor Chown is a preeminent authority on species biodiversity and conservation in the Antarctic. His presentation, Looking After Life on Earth – A Polar Perspective, will discuss the arduous, incredible icebreaking journey to Antarctica, the incredible species biodiversity of this polar landscape and the real-life impacts climate scientists/governments can have on species survival.

    This event is free of charge, bookings are essential.

    Book tickets


    Clubs and Auxiliary Events

    Year 8 Mothers and Special Friends Lunch

    Friday 16 August

    The Scotch College Parents Association are excited to invite Year 8 Mothers and Special Friends to a delightful lunch at Studley Grounds, 121 Studley Road Kew, on Friday 16 August. This wonderful event offers a perfect opportunity to strengthen relationships and foster community growth.

    Join them for a memorable day filled with joy and laughter! Enjoy a delicious meal prepared by the talented chefs at Studley Grounds, surrounded by the beautiful scenery of Kew.

    Don’t miss this chance to connect with other amazing individuals in the community and celebrate the special bonds shared. Looking forward to seeing you there and making this a truly unforgettable experience!

    RSVP: Friday 9 August

    View Invitation | Book Tickets Here

    Enquiries should be directed to Samar Chahin 0413 875 190 samarchahin@hotmail.com,  or Tina Garg | 0403 177 938  ttaggar@hotmail.com.

    2024 Scotch Rugby Presentation Night

    The 2024 Scotch Rugby Presentation Night will be held on Monday 2 September at the Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club.

    Pricing per adult ticket is $100. Tickets for players and siblings $65 (dinner and drinks). The event will run from 6.00pm – 9.00pm.

    The dress code for adults is smart casual. Boys should wear their school uniform, this includes candy coats for senior students.

    RSVP: Monday 26th August 2024

    Book Tickets Here

    Please direct enquiries to Charlie Heerey on 0417 368 665 or via email charlie@heerey.com.au.

    Scotch College Foundation Art Show – Save the Date!

    The Scotch College Foundation Art show will run from Thursday 29 August to Sunday 1 September in the James Forbes Academy. More details to come in the following weeks.

  • Health & Wellbeing


    Each week in The Torch, our Psychology and Health teams explore a topic related to boys’ health and wellbeing.

    This week we are talking about drug and alcohol use.

    Many parents are concerned about the use of alcohol, as well as other drugs, as their children grow up. For young people, a one time or infrequent use of alcohol or drugs can unfortunately result in tragedy such as unintentional injuries, homicide or even suicide. Young people who use alcohol and drugs before their brain is fully developed, are often at greater risk of future addiction.

    Research has shown that a young person’s brain keeps developing until they are in their mid-twenties, making alcohol more harmful than previously thought. Even the casual use of certain drugs can cause severe health problems, such as an overdose or brain damage. Parents will often feel overwhelmed when having to deal with substance abuse issues. However, they are encouraged to lead by example and set behavioural boundaries for their kids.

    Please click here for more information on dealing with the issues surrounding drug and alcohol use and the impact it can have on a child’s development. Alcohol and drug use can lead to serious problems such as poor academic performance, loss of friends, behavioural issues and even lasting legal problems.

    If you have any concerns about your child, please contact Nick Clark at psychologist@scotch.vic.edu.au or seek medical or professional help.