We are currently moving to a new website platform, some services may be temporarily unavailable.

Course and Career Services

The Scotch College Course and Careers Services works actively with boys in Years 9, 10, 11 and 12 to empower them to make informed decisions about subject and course selection as they move through the school and tertiary and career pathways. This is done through the provision of information, counselling and transferable skill development programs. The aim of Course and Careers Services is to facilitate each boy’s knowledge of career opportunities and to make them more aware of their interests and abilities, so they are well equipped to make the transition from school to further study and the workplace.
The Good Universities Guide

An amazing site that allows you to search for information on different jobs and careers, courses all over Australia and find Scholarships.

Labour Market Information Portal   

Find out current information, data and statistics about the Labour Market. Find out where the jobs are, what the skill shortage areas are and much more.

Job Outlook

Information about jobs and the labour market. It gives you information on everything about 100’s of jobs and also what the future prospects will be.


Find out about yourself and the types of careers that might suit you.

My Big Tomorrow

Gives you information on all kinds of careers.


An excellent site with lots of information about jobs and careers plus various tests and quizzes to help you learn more about yourself.

Career Advice Videos

A selection of videos that will assist you in applying for a job and the interview process.

Job Access

Job and Workplace help for people with a disability.


A guide for school leavers in Melbourne.

Youth Central

A great website for students to use as a jumping off point to explore work, GAP years, study options and all aspects of turning 18 in Victoria.