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To obtain more information, or to arrange a face-to-face meeting, please contact the Foundation’s Executive Director, Tim Shearer, by phone on +61 3 9810 4301 or by email at tim.shearer@scotch.vic.edu.au

For further information about supporting Scotch College or the Scotch College Foundation please contact:

Rebecca Mortimer
Foundation Co-ordinator
Scotch College Foundation
Phone: +61 3 9810 4300
email: rebecca.mortimer@scotch.vic.edu.au

Scotch College acknowledges, with appreciation, the tremendous support of parents, Old Boys, staff and friends.

These individuals, through their collective philanthropy, support the vitality of School life at Scotch through their commitment and generosity to the School.

We thank all those whose gifts enable Scotch to provide an excellent, well-rounded education to its best and most important asset – our boys and their futures.