We are currently moving to a new website platform, some services may be temporarily unavailable.

Swap Shop (Pre-Owned Uniforms)

The Senior School Swap Shop Auxiliary sell both donated and consigned items labelled as “pre-owned” from the Swap Shop within the Scotch Shop.

Pre-owned uniforms are able to be purchased during the Scotch Shop’s opening hours. For guaranteed personalised service from Swap Shop staff it advised that you visit the Scotch Shop during the Swap Shop’s advertised opening times. Follow the link below to view the days and times that Swap Shop staff are present in the Swap Shop, located within the Scotch Shop.

Sales of pre-owned clothing will continue to be processed via parent’s accounts.

The Swap Shop Auxiliary is pleased to advise that part of the proceeds generated by pre-owned sales will help support a range of school projects.

Please note that Junior School pre-owned uniforms will only be available from the Junior School Swap Shop located in the Junior School. Part of the proceeds generated by pre-owned sales from the Junior School Swap Shop will help support a range of Junior School projects.

Please see the Senior School Swap Shop section on the Scotch College website (www.scotch.vic.edu.au) for more information regarding pre-owned uniforms.

For Swap Shop updates click here