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The Junior School curriculum ensures that students develop as people who take increasing responsibility for their own physical wellbeing, for their own learning, for their relationships with others and their developing role in the local, national and global community.
The range of subjects taken and experiences offered within the Junior School are considerable. The programs are planned on an integrated basis across subject areas and are usually based on a topic, which embraces an inquiry approach to learning. Concepts are incorporated and conceptual thinking skills are developed and encouraged from Preparatory to Year 6. Student learning is seen as a continuum from prep to year 6 and they will develop at different rates through these stages of learning within the Junior School. Years Prep to 4 are seen as years to ‘lay the foundations’ by focussing the curriculum on developing fundamental literacy and numeracy skills, knowledge and behaviours. Years 5 and 6 is where the curriculum recognises the need to build the ‘breadth and depth’ of learning.
The knowledge, skills and behaviours that are considered essential for all students are formulated under three key strands:
The Junior School curriculum ensures that students develop as people who take increasing responsibility for their own physical wellbeing, their own learning, their own relationships with others and their role in the local, national and global community.
The Health and Physical Education program places an emphasis on promoting an understanding of physical activity and movement, food and nutrition, health and safety, human development and human relations.
Students develop the knowledge, skills and behaviours that enable them to:
Teaching and learning practices should:
The Outdoor Education program places an emphasis on the personal development of the boys through responsible interaction in and with the natural environment.
Teaching and learning practices should :
Students learn to work with others by:
Students take greater responsibility for their own learning and participation at school. This involves developing as learners who:
Students need to develop the knowledge, skills and behaviours that enable them to take action as informed, confident members of a diverse and inclusive Australian society. The understanding of the political and legal systems and processes is highlighted. Students focus on:
The Christian Education program aims to maintain a Christian perspective, along with moral and religious values, and to establish a strong sense of spirituality. Input comes from the following areas:
Teaching and learning practices in all classrooms should:
2. Discipline-based Learning
The Junior School curriculum should form a body of knowledge with associated ways of seeing the world and distinct methods of exploring, imagining and constructing that world.
Students need to develop a deep understanding of the concepts contained in the discipline-based domains and be able to apply their knowledge in many different ways. The degree to which they are able to transfer their knowledge depends largely on the degree to which students have achieved mastery over Physical, Personal and Social and Interdisciplinary learning. Deeper understanding of concepts are able to be achieved when students are encouraged to reflect on their learning, take personal responsibility for it and relate it to their own world.
The Arts program encompasses Drama, Art and Music. Each program will be presented in a developmental and, where possible, an integrated manner. It involves creating and making , as well as exploring and responding to a range of experiences.
The English program places an emphasis on the acquisition of literacy across all curriculum areas as well as the development of English skills through a range of meaningful purposes and contexts which enrich boys. The boys learn to enjoy and use language and to develop a sense of its richness.
skills: understanding, interpreting, reflecting upon and enjoyingwritten and visual print and nonprint texts
skills: the process of conceiving, planning, composing, editing and publishing fiction and nonfiction texts
skills: various formal and informal oral language is used to convey and receive meaning
Teaching and learning practices in all classrooms should :
The Humanities program places an emphasis on developing an awareness, knowledge, understanding and appreciation of human societies, people and their cultures in the past and the present and an insight into how people organise their world. The content is related to:
Research Projects
Research Projects are to reflect the basics of inquiry learning;
Teachers should assist the boys in their progression from dependence to independence. This assistance should include the development of research skills and skills in presenting information.
Explicit instruction in and appropriate scaffolding for the planning, defining, locating and presenting of information is to be provided. Regular opportunities to practise and apply skills is expected.
The evaluation of research projects is to include the planning, the process, the product and the list of resources. An equal balance of school and homework time is to be provided.
Parents should be encouraged to make judgements on how best to assist their sons in moving towards independent research.
The LOTE program aims to motivate boys towards the learning of a second language. The German program is based on participating in regular classes from Year One to Year Six. These classes are conducted in the German room, while also taking advantages of out of class facilities. Key components are communicating in a language other that English and intercultural knowledge and language awareness.
A sequential mathematics program has been developed for all levels from Prep to Year 6. The programme covers the core areas of mathematics and provides ample opportunity for consolidation and extension activities.
The content consists of:
The teaching and learning of mathematics at Scotch, recognises that whilst there is no one best way to teach mathematics, several common themes are evident in recognised approaches:
The Science program places an emphasis on a hands on inquiry approach to capture and build on the boys’ interests and to develop related knowledge, skills, attitudes and values. The goal is stimulate, respond to and nourish curiosity, wonder and questioning.
Science investigations should be based on:
Teaching and learning practices in all classrooms should develop an understanding of the skills and procedures required to successfully undertake scientific investigations that include:
The Junior School curriculum provides a range of knowledge, skills and behaviors which cross disciplinary boundaries and are essential to ensuring students are prepared as active learners and problem-solvers for success at school and beyond. Students focus on ways of thinking, communicating, conceiving and realizing ideas and information. They develop the capacity to design, create and evaluate processes as a way of developing creativity and innovation.
The learning Domains are:
Communication is involved in all learning. It involves developing skills, behaviors and knowledge related to listening, viewing and responding in a range of contexts, using a variety of content . Presenting information is critical to enhancing the process of learning. The student displays the capacity:
The Technology program develops concepts that prepares boys for the changes and advances that the modern world will present.
Teaching and learning practices should involve boys in programs where:
This will enable boys to:
Information Literacy is applied throughout the curriculum and should be seen as a key tool to encourage learning and skill acquisition to meet contemporary needs and outcomes. Information can be gained from electronic and other print sources.
Students use ICT:
Electronic Activities should be planned that utilise the following sources of information: the Internet, C-D Rom, data base, spreadsheets and E-mail.
Boys and teachers should be equipped with the skills to use the available technology in purposeful ways.
These sources of information should support active learning, questioning and problem solving through research, analysis, communication and production.
The boys will develop the ability:
Other Sources
These sources include non fiction material, magazines, journals, specific organisations, guest speakers and excursions. The use of these sources of information will widen the base of information and enhance the boys ability to create their own interpretations and generalisations from more than one source. Opportunities to practise skills associated with the information process will be provided in the context of curriculum based work.
Boys will use the information process of:
Thinking encompasses a range of cognitive, affective and metacognitive knowledge, skills and behaviours. These are essential for effective functioning in society both within and beyond school. The study of thinking enables students to:
Scotch College Melbourne:
ABN 86 852 826 445 CRICOS 00624A