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Year 4

Building New Friendships

An emphasis is placed on building relationships with the new group of Scotch families that join our school through the Year Four intake. The boys are provided with numerous social skill activities and interclass cooperative learning tasks. These skills and understandings lead to the development of new friendships and help the group learn from each other in a collaborative manner.
Scotch College Junior School boys in Year Four are provided with opportunities that enable them to develop their ability to both work and play confidently and consistently within the whole school community. The school focuses on the development of skills and understandings related to Physical, Personal and Social Learning, Discipline Based Learning and Interdisciplinary Learning.
It is the expectation that Year Four boys are aware of resilient attitudes towards learning and social behavior. They will participate in group activities with thought and consideration for all, care for and respect others, display courtesy, play cooperatively and be responsible for their own relationships. Desirable work habits should include the ability to be punctual with work commitments, persevere and concentrate on tasks, work independently and cooperatively, use time wisely and present work in an acceptable manner.
The boys will have developed skills that allow them to apply independent thinking strategies and communication. It is important that each boy is encouraged to manage their level of effort and take steps to foster their own learning. They are made aware of the need to reflect on their learning, monitor their progress, ask questions and to develop simple generalisations and points of view.
They will have developed specific knowledge, skills and interests in a widening range of academic areas. The consolidation of key literacy and numeracy skills will allow them to explore concepts in greater depth and begin to apply these to a variety of situations.